Spring Break 2019 (mom style)
So, what does Spring Break look like around here? Well, some sun, some rain, some .....snow. Yep, April, and there's still snow on the mountains, and a few flakes trying to land in our yard. But that's ok. We have horses.
Becca and I spent a bit of the week riding. Finally got out on the trails. So excited, I forgot to pull out the camera. Tuesday was a special ride because Becca got to take a lovely mare out for a ride that boards at out barn. We went out with the barn owner and had a blast. This mares owner asked if someone could spend some time with her, and Becca was all about it!
Of course, we also did house stuff, cat stuff, and other stuff. You know, it wouldn't be break if I didn't ask my teenager to clean her room at least 50 times. No pictures needed of course....any parent knows.
And then, the quilts. I managed to knuckle down and finish two quilts I have been sitting on. I have an addiction to fabric. Which leads to a love of making tops. But then, I slow down. I am NOT a fan of the pining to quilt stage. I dread making the back, the sandwhich, and the pinning. And then picking the thread, and fighting with my machine over tension issues. But that's another post completely.
So, two tops, quilted, bound, and proofed. Ready for homes. And funny enough, now I want to "finish" more. Including a stunner my mom sent me to do. So, I guess the pretty fabrics and new patterns shall wait a little longer.
And if you are still reading, I would love some feedback on any Seller experience with Etsy. I am going to dip my toes in that pool, and see if I can sell my treasures there.....Would love to hear the good, bad, and whatever.
Till the next post, keep your world colorful!
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